• Question: Are there any scientific proof of God and Jesus?

    Asked by Cal to Hannah, Jenny, Steven on 17 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 17 Nov 2016:

      Hi Cal
      That’s a good question. There are some people who say they have scientific proof that God exists. I think the main argument is that our planet is the only one that can support life and the probability of this is so small that it is unlikely to be true unless we were created by God. I don’t think this is a very good argument though because it could be that there is life on another planet its just too far away for us to know and also no matter how improbable something is it could still happen. Also I don’t think we completely understand how the Big Bang started yet but I’m not a physicist. It seems to be that a lot of the arguments for why God exists are based on us not completely understanding life because it is too complex. So we need to do more science to see if we can explain this complexity and prove it or not!

    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 18 Nov 2016:

      Hi Cal,

      That’s a really good question! I think that there is historical evidence for the existence of Jesus and other biblical figures from the time, however there’s no record of their achievements / deeds…

      As Jenny said, we humans have a very primitive understanding of how the universe works… and in time Science might yield the answer for us! It’s important that you believe whatever you think is right though! 🙂

