• Question: can dinosaurs get hiccups

    Asked by donald trump to Steven, Jenny, Hannah on 17 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 17 Nov 2016:

      Not now and probably not when they were alive! A lot of animals do get hiccups but only if they have a diaphragm. Croccodiles, birds and reptiles don’t have a diaphragm and can’t hiccup and dinosaurs didn’t have a diaphragm either, but squirrels, cats, horses.. can! Apparently a hiccup is caused by a sudden contraction of the diaphragm which pushes air upwards abruptly.

    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 18 Nov 2016:

      Hi Donald Trump,

      I didn’t know the answer to this either! But now after reading Jenny’s post I do 🙂

