• Question: how do we die of 'old age'

    Asked by Lewis -T- to Hannah, Jenny, Steven on 17 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 17 Nov 2016:

      Hi Lewis
      I think thats more of a saying. We don’t really die of old age there is usually a specific cause of death for example heart failure or a complication from an existing disease, but when we get old our bodies can start to function less efficiently and break down so our heart might become weaker for example.

    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 18 Nov 2016:

      Hi Lewis,

      Good question!

      Like Jenny said, ‘old age’ is more of an umbrella term for more specific illnesses. But as Jenny said, as we get older our bodies function less efficiently, and this leads to more illnesses and problems!

