• Question: What got you all intrested in science

    Asked by Sanah? to Eleni, Hannah, Jenny, Oli, Steven on 4 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by HappyLittleFishy.
    • Photo: Oliver Charity

      Oliver Charity answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      Hi Sanah.

      Personally I had really good science teachers at school. I wasn’t sure how much I liked science until GSCE, when I had excellent Chemistry and Biology teachers. I find when someone else is really enthusiastic about a subject it becomes infectious, and suddenly you can feel their enthusiasm. From there I just found both subjects fascinating. And never stopped.


    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      Hi Sanah
      I think I really got interested in science at University because that was when I realised how complex everything is and I could start to understand how things work. At school I was terrible at chemistry but I liked biology because it made more sense. I also had the chance to do a school placement week at a pharmaceutical company with 8 other students and we had talks on lots of interesting topics from scientists who were doing the research. We did a project using DNA analysis to work out who had committed a crime, which was quite fun and similar to how forensic scientists work in real life.
      When you start to question something and try to understand how it works, that can spark your interest!

    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      Hi Sanah,

      Thats a tough question! 🙂 I think that it’s hard to think of one particular thing. I think that curiosity plays a big part… I’ve always been quite curious, and always wondering how/why things work, so if you’re that kind of person then science could be for you!

      I didn’t truly realise how interested I was in science until I went to a chemistry open day when looking round universities, and realised how it underpins almost everything. I then realised how so many problems we face could be solved with chemistry, and wanted to learn more!

      One of my favourite quotes about science is that it allows you to ask “why?”… And if you keep asking why, eventually you get to a point where you can ask “why not?” and thats when the fun really begins!

      I hope that answers your question?

    • Photo: Hannah Bolt

      Hannah Bolt answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hi Sanah,

      I liked science lessons at school because I enjoyed doing experiments and the practical lessons. I was very lucky to have some excellent teachers that made me question things and we did some really fun experiments. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a scientist until I got to choosing the subject I would study at university though. When it came to choosing subject options I just picked lessons that I liked the most and found the most interesting, which happened to be Chemistry. I think enjoying what you do and the subjects you study is the most important thing!
