• Question: what happens when everything in science is found out, will there not be any scientific jobs left

    Asked by 13tenogu to Steven, Hannah on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Hannah Bolt

      Hannah Bolt answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Hi 13tenogu,

      That’s a really interesting question!

      My feeling is that there will always be ‘new’ things to discover, even if it is just improving the knowledge we currently have. As scientists, we’re always making small improvement to what we know about physics, chemistry and biology. The universe is such a complex place that I’m not sure humans will ever be able to fully understand everything, so hopefully there will always be jobs for scientists!


    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Hi 13tenogu,

      That is an excellent, thought provoking question!

      “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – William Shakespeare

      What that quote means is that basically the more we learn and understand, the more we realise just how little we truly know! I don’t believe it is possible to discover everything in science…. knowledge is almost infinite in my opinion! Research areas will shift, and scientists of the future might be working on different things to what we work on today, but there will always be more things to learn and understand!

      You can think about how much progress humanity has made… try explaining to Izaac Newton how you can tweet someone in the USA from your sofa in england in a few seconds! But we are still primitive in many ways, for example we have very primitive spacecraft, and are incapable of colonising other planets. We have a long way to go!

      So basically, theres a good few thousand years of science left at the very least… and it’s as very exciting time to be a scientist, with all of the problems we face today! So there’s no shortage of things for you to work on!! 🙂

