• Question: What is the boring art about your work?

    Asked by 263drug34 to Hannah, Jenny, Steven on 15 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by campbell0705.
    • Photo: Hannah Bolt

      Hannah Bolt answered on 15 Nov 2016:

      Hi 263drug34,

      In general I’m fairly happy with my job and don’t find too many things boring. Every day as a scientist I do lots of varied tasks, such as making molecules in my chemistry lab, or looking after my parasites in the biology lab. Some days I teach students or talk to other scientists about their work.

      The most boring thing about my work is that sometimes I have to wait quite a long time in between experiment steps. For example, when I make my drugs sometimes the reaction steps are several hours, so I have to wait. I try to plan my work well, so that I don’t have too much time in between steps and that I’m always busy. Another thing that can be boring is purifying my molecules, when I do this a machine separates my drugs from impurities. I have to sit and watch the machine and wait to collect my drugs.


    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 18 Nov 2016:

      Hi 263drug34,

      Good question! Though most of science is very exciting, there are still parts that can be boring. Sometimes you have to do something boring lots and lots to make a very interesting discovery!

      I work in chemical biology, and I personally find that some of the biology aspects can be a little tedious at times…. the other day i spent 7 hours in a room with no windows pipetting constantly… but it was to find out if 14 of my new drugs were toxic to 4 different cell lines, so the results were very interesting!!

      Overall, it’s mostly fun though! 🙂

