• Question: Why do bees buzz?

    Asked by Chante to Eleni, Hannah, Jenny, Oli, Steven on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Hannah Bolt

      Hannah Bolt answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Hi Chante,

      The buzzing of a bee is caused by its wings beating. The wingbeats cause vibrations in the air that we hear as a buzz. Also, some bees can cause vibrations in their throat to cause pollen to drop from flowers. This we also hear as a buzz.


    • Photo: Eleni Vikeli

      Eleni Vikeli answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Hi Chante,

      The average honey bee beats its wings at approximately 11400 bpm(beats per minute)- 180 every second, which causes audible vibrations in the air. These vibrations could be described as a hum, but are most commonly known as ‘buzzing’.

      Unless you meant the question as a joke so I will say: Because they can’t whistle!


    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 19 Nov 2016:

      Hi Chante,

      As the others said it’s because of their wings beating.

