• Question: can blindness be cured

    Asked by seereenaa to Jenny on 17 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 17 Nov 2016:

      That’s a difficult question, it depends how the blindness is caused although most diseases won’t be cured but we should be able to find ways to make better drugs and improve patient treatment. We’re researching blindness that is caused by too much blood vessel growth (which happens normally during development but can be turned back on in disease). Our drugs will (hopefully!) be used for people with age-related or diabetes-related blindness, but we’ll treat them before they become completely blind. Then we can expect to give them back good vision but they’ll need to keep taking the drugs to stop the disease coming back. We might not be able to cure it but we could make a big difference for quite a lot of people.
