• Question: If you weren't a scientist what would you be and why?

    Asked by karatepugs2 to Steven, Jenny on 12 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 12 Nov 2016:

      Hi karatepugs2,

      Good question! I would probably be either a software developer (making games!?) or an engineer of some description, possibly working on robotics and/or cybernetics and/or aeronautics… I find all of that quite interesting!


    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 12 Nov 2016:

      I’d be a sailing or skiing instructor because I love those sports. Or I’d like to do some sort of medical job in a ski resort because I think that would be fun and challenging, but I don’t have the right qualifications so I might have to set up a research institute in the mountains!
