• Question: why are cigarettes legal if they cause lung cancer?

    Asked by EvieParker to Steven, Jenny, Hannah on 17 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jenny Batson

      Jenny Batson answered on 17 Nov 2016:

      For a long time people didn’t believe that cigarettes caused lung cancer although this is now accepted and there is a lot of scientific evidence. By then though I think it was too late to make it illegal, too many people smoked and the industry was worth too much money. A legal challenge would have to be very well funded to match the cigarette giant companies. The tobacco companies are suing people even for using plain packaging. I think the government would be too afraid to make cigarettes illegal for fear of losing voters and being sued. Did you know that the biggest tobacco company tried to sue the government of Uruguay over their health warnings?!


    • Photo: Steven Street

      Steven Street answered on 18 Nov 2016:

      Hi EvieParker,

      That’s a good question, and the answer is that it’s basically all economics and politics!

      Because smoking is embedded in modern life, many people would be outraged if smoking were to be made illegal. many people think that what they do to their bodies is their problem, and not the government’s problem! There was a big uproar when smoking in public places was made illegal a while ago…

      The other reason is economics. Basically, smoking is a big business which generates a lot of money for cigarette companies and also for the government in the huge taxes levvied on cigarette’s. The government wouldn’t want to loose out on this stream of income whilst simultaneously angering half the population! That wouldn’t be a smart move…

      That said, since the introduction of the smoking ban, people in the UK seem to be smoking less and less, so if things continue on, maybe at some point in the future it might be feasible? Who knows!

